We would like to bring to the kind attention of your esteemed organization that we are the reputed manufacturers and suppliers of Asafoetida (Hing) under the brand name “ANNAPURNA” (Nashik-Maharashtra) to all parts of the country since the year 1958. We have this registered
- Trade Mark vide No. 273848 and 502658
- issued by the Government of India Trade Mark Registry, Mumbai –INDIA. We are the Importers and Exporters of the product under the Import and Export License No. 3102005756 dt.19.09.02
- We have SSI No.11/10/00001/PMT/SSIdated 1.2.1968.
We are known for manufacturing the best, original and highest quality of compounded Asafoetida. “ANNAPURNA” Asafoetida (Hing) is sold by a large number of retail grocery shops, malls, other shops and also used by various pickle manufacturers, hoteliers, medicine manufactures.
It is learnt that some other manufacturer has tried to introduce his product to you. However, we would like to mention here that ours is the branded, reputed and quality product under the above brand name. We would therefore like you to take into kind consideration the above facts and consider our genuine product for purchase and sale in your reputed organization. We would request you not to be misguided and misled by any non-genuine product.
We may also bring to your kind attention that we had a legal case against one Annapurna Griha Udyog, Ahmedabad and that we have won this case in Mumbai High Court, which was given publicity in various newspapers like Maharashtra Times, Loksatta, Samna, Gujrath Samachar etc.
We would therefore request your kind goodself to favour us with the order for supply of our quality product.